To create a new account in Online Store, first click on "CREATE AN ACCOUNT“. Next, fill in the required fields.

If you want the items to be delivered to a different address other than the address stated on your profile, delete the tick mark before the transport field “Billing and delivery addresses are the same“ and fill in this field with an appropriate address.

After you have filled in all the required fields, check if the data entered is correct, and then click on “SAVE“ and your account is ready. With that you also confirm that the presented personal data is correct and you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Online Store.

To log in to Online Store, use your username and password created during account registration process. Your username and password are confidential and may not be shared with any third party. The account owner is responsible for all orders placed in Online Store by use of his/her username.

Personal data, orders and favorites can be viewed and managed under “MY ACCOUNT“.